
Archive for March, 2011

New digs!

Image from Zazzle.com

I am really excited to announce that we have a brand new home at www.lilzbear.com !  Blogging as a new mama began simply as a way to create an online journal for Lil Z.  Now I am so flattered when people let me know that they enjoy reading my blog and that they find my posts helpful.  It has also been a great way to keep my family and friends in the loop of what is going on with Lil Z since so many of them live so far away.

I want to thank each and every one of my readers for taking the time to stop by and reading what I have to say.  I am really flattered that I have subscribers, I really love you guys!  I want to invite you to re-subscribe via email to my new website, since it is a self-hosted blog.  There are a lot of cool new options in my blog, allowing you to follow via email and Twitter, and share a post you like via email, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and a few others.  I even have some giveaways planned that I am super excited about!

So welcome to my new and improved blog!  You will be redirected to it when you visit this website starting in a few days.  Please let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.  Hope you keep reading!


Mama Bear

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Image from Etsy.com

Another great weekend with our cub!  The highight: our Lil Z got his first tooth!  In typical Lil Z-Bear fashion, he went to bed happy as a clam on Friday night and woke up smiling with a gorgeous white tooth on his lower gumline.  We are absolutely infatuated with his new smile, but it has been hard to get a good picture of it yet.  We’ve heard that once a tooth comes, they keep on coming.  Here’s hoping the rest are as easy as the first one!

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Our lil guy is getting so big, he doesn't even want to sit in his carseat 🙂

We have a lovely night time routine.  Lil Z-Bear gets a bath, gets dressed in a pair of cozy pajamas, I hold him and walk around the house with the lights turned low, and if he is in a good mood we sit down and read a book.  Goodnight Moon has been our favorite for some time (there is an unspoken genius to the pages ‘Good night nobody, Good night mush’) but lately he has been favoring Guess how much I love you.  I think he likes the pictures of the hare hopping around.  Then he does the magic move – he rubs his eyes and nose and I know it is time for bed.  I lay him down in his Sleep Sack, turn on his Sleep Sheep and also his Glow Seahorse.  After a few more words of encouragement, a prayer, and a few rubs of his belly, I turn on his Turtle and walk out.  I don’t stand around to wait for him to fall asleep because if I am in the room he continues to smile at me and fights sleep. 

His crib looks so cozy that I fight the urge to climb in with him and fall asleep next to him.  But we have never been co-sleepers.  Not because as parents we didn’t want him to sleep with us, but because he prefers to sleep alone.  When our little cub was a wee little thing, he would sleep in the bassinet in our room next to our bed.  This way when he would wake up every two to three hours for his feeding, he was right there at arm’s reach.  But if I ever brought him in the bed next to us, he would fuss and not fall asleep.  He just liked his own space.  In the day time he took his naps in his room in the crib and at night we brought him into our room.  Then one night it was time for bed and he hadn’t woken up from his nap in his crib.  So we brought the baby monitor into our room and fell asleep knowing he would be waking us up soon.  We woke up 6 glorious hours later to his cries (the longest he had ever slept at night at the time) and we were surprised he had slept so long.  Then we discovered a pattern, he slept longer in his crib in his room at night than in his bassinet next to us.  So, although as a mama I sniffled a little that he was growing up, we permanently moved him to his own room.

I love reading about other mamas who enjoy the benefits of co-sleeping, but alas, it just isn’t for us.  Not because we willed it so, but because our little guy likes his independence and he doesn’t like to share a sleeping space!

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