
Posts Tagged ‘Cloth Diapers’

Three day weekend. How do I love thee, let me count the ways:

I love you because it means we get to spend tons of time with our little cub.  I love you because we finally get to try Fuzzibunz cloth diapers.   So far, I am in love with them and I keep kicking myself for not switching to cloth diapers sooner.  I’ll be doing a detailed review after we have been using them for a few weeks.

I LOVE how cute Z-Bear's bum looks in the cloth diapers!

 I love you because we get to take cute pictures with these cloth diapers.

A chocolate bunny and our cub in a purple Fuzzibunz...I just couldn't resist taking this picture!

Love the chubby thighs wrapped in the Fuzzibunz

I love you because it means impromptu trips with Lil Z.  We went to the Adventure Aquarium, and Z-Bear loved every minute of it!  (And so did we!)  He was fascinated by the colorful marine life swimming around, and he squealed when he saw the big fish (especially sharks) coming towards the glass.  I wasn’t quite sure if it was in delight or because he was a little afraid.  But either way, he was a charming baby the whole day.  (Pictures are blurry due to the low lighting.)

Z-Bear enjoyed looking at the sting rays swimming by

I love you because it allows for long Sunday lunches, munching on sushi while talking about everything and nothing at all.  And even Lil Z enjoyed a few bites of noodles.

The worst part about a relaxed long weekend, coming back to work on a snowy Tuesday!

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What I am excited about

We got the Fuzzibunz cloth diapers in the mail this week.  I love the way they look and feel!  We will begin using them this weekend. 

What I am in love with

Lil Z-Bear, you are getting cuter by the minute!  We snap so many pictures of you using my camera, papa’s camera, and our cellphones.  Sometimes about 20 of the exact same pose.  I cannot help but wonder what parents did before digital cameras.

What I am listening to on the train ride to work

Ray LaMontagne.  His husky voice and mournful lyrics are the perfect backdrop to the muddy landscape as the snow is melting and some persistent patches of ice still float upon the river. 

What has me feeling optimistic

I love this time of year.  It’s still cold and bare, but there is life underneath the barren ground almost bursting at the seams waiting to come out.  Some trees already have the tiny brown buds that will flourish into bright leaves in a matter of weeks.  That buzz of life popping around me always makes me smile.

What has me feeling nostalgic

Muddy boots.  Now that the white stuff is disappearing, there is a lot of sodden mud around.  I find my boots covered with a layer of mud after my walk from the train station.  And I find myself opting to walk through the trees and grass instead of the sidewalk because I love the squishy feel of mud around my feet.  It reminds me of childhood, when I would purposefully step in puddles just for the sheer joy of it.

Bring on the 3 day weekend!

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The Switch


To switch or not to switch?  That has been the question that has been hounding me for the past couple of months.  And a decision has finally been made: TO SWITCH!  To cloth diapers that is.  We are down to the last row of disposable diapers, and the cloth diapers are on their way!

I always wanted to use cloth diapers, but after Lil Z-Bear was born, I chickened out and went with the convenience of the disposables.  But now that I have battled all the challenges of new mommyhood and learned about feeding and sleep cycles and bathing baby and playing with baby (don’t get me wrong, every day I still continue to learn something new!) I think I am finally ready to tackle cloth diapers. 

I wouldn’t have been able to make the switch without the abundant blogs out there by other mommies who share their experience on cloth diapering.  And I am truly grateful to all the responses I have received anytime I asked a question (even a dumb question!) about cloth diapers. 

After looking at all the options available out there (and figuring out what the difference between an Indian prefold and a Chinese prefold is!) I decided to go with what seems the simplest option for us: pocket diapers.  It’s a cloth diaper shell with snap closure and soft cotton pad insert to stuff inside the diaper, both of which are machine washable and reusable.

There are so many brands to choose from, all of them with such cute names like bumGenius, Rumparooz, Fuzzibunz, Knickernappies and Happy Heinys.  Top reviews kept coming up for Fuzzibunz, so finally this week I placed our order for a starter pack, and I am waiting on pins and needles for the package to arrive.

Look forward to posting about the experience!

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