
Archive for the ‘Cloth Diapers’ Category

The Switch


To switch or not to switch?  That has been the question that has been hounding me for the past couple of months.  And a decision has finally been made: TO SWITCH!  To cloth diapers that is.  We are down to the last row of disposable diapers, and the cloth diapers are on their way!

I always wanted to use cloth diapers, but after Lil Z-Bear was born, I chickened out and went with the convenience of the disposables.  But now that I have battled all the challenges of new mommyhood and learned about feeding and sleep cycles and bathing baby and playing with baby (don’t get me wrong, every day I still continue to learn something new!) I think I am finally ready to tackle cloth diapers. 

I wouldn’t have been able to make the switch without the abundant blogs out there by other mommies who share their experience on cloth diapering.  And I am truly grateful to all the responses I have received anytime I asked a question (even a dumb question!) about cloth diapers. 

After looking at all the options available out there (and figuring out what the difference between an Indian prefold and a Chinese prefold is!) I decided to go with what seems the simplest option for us: pocket diapers.  It’s a cloth diaper shell with snap closure and soft cotton pad insert to stuff inside the diaper, both of which are machine washable and reusable.

There are so many brands to choose from, all of them with such cute names like bumGenius, Rumparooz, Fuzzibunz, Knickernappies and Happy Heinys.  Top reviews kept coming up for Fuzzibunz, so finally this week I placed our order for a starter pack, and I am waiting on pins and needles for the package to arrive.

Look forward to posting about the experience!

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